What is the function or application of your machine, device, product or process (invention)? (provide a brief description of the technical and / or commercial field to which the invention belongs, particularizing ts industrial utility).
Subject of the invention.(general identification on the technical / scientific motivation that gave rise to the development of the invention).
Do you know another machine, device, product or process that performs the same function or has the same application your invention?
According to the previous point, in the event that said machines, devices, products or processes present disadvantages, deficiencies, inconveniences or problems mention how they are resolved by their invention.
Which were the problems that had to be solved to develope the machine, device, product or process?
What technical advantages and differences does your invention have with respect to the machines, devices, products or processes that exist in the market or that you know?, what are the advantages in terms of properties, costs, effects, or qualities?.
Graphic description of at least one way of executing the invention (that is, of which elements, parts and characteristics its invention is composed) with reference to clear and precise examples, drawings, flow charts, diagrams or tables, since these facilitate the understanding of the invention: (indicate how the invention can be carried out, applied or carried out, include examples comparative with the state of the art, examples of different modes of operation or modalities, drawings or figures of different modalities, etc.).